Botanic Gardens with Liz Clark

by Caro Collins

Raindrops on cosmos and asters and dahlias……….in fact, so many raindrops that dahlia and rose stems and branches broke under the weight of soggy petals and leaves. But it was perfect light for the more than a dozen members who scattered in every direction after an initial gathering by a bush festooned with cobwebs. 

The dahlia garden was a blaze of colour, from enormous dinner plate blooms to minute, delicate singles and stems and leaves so dark, they appeared black. 

Under the maples, the bright pink anemone hupehensis beckoned and there were still some surprises in the herbaceous border with bright blue asters and salvias. Witch hazel leaves were the brightest flashes of orange I spotted.

It was dry and calm enough to sit outside and enjoy our drinks and treats, chatting about what we’d seen. Thank you, Liz, you picked a perfect morning for our ramble.