The competition was started by Hagley Camera Club of Christchurch in 1972 as a memorial to Trenna Packer, a keen nature photographer who was killed in a car accident on her way back from a photographic expedition. The Nature Photography Society took over the running of it in 2007.

Trenna Packer
The Nature Photography Society of New Zealand would like to invite your club to take part in the Trenna Packer
Salver Competition. Copies of the entry form and rules are attached. The competition opens on the 1st of May 2025 and closes on Friday the 20th of June 2025
The objective of the Trenna Packer Salver Competition is to illustrate the diversity of the natural world in New Zealand and its offshore islands, with images that are of a very high standard. As the natural environment comes under increasing threats from human activity it is vital that we have a comprehensive collection of high quality images. Many of the images used to illustrate field guides have come from members of camera clubs. We hope that by running an annual New Zealand Nature inter-club competition we can promote an increasing interest in photographing the natural world as well as encourage best practice in photographing nature subjects.
The competition is for sets of 6 nature projected images, and is open to all clubs in New Zealand. We’d love to see the competition grow and so, if your club has never entered before – please consider getting a set together and making an entry. We hope that your members find this competition of interest and look forward to seeing some exciting sets.
The Rules for this competition are the same as the PSNZ Rules for Nature, with interpretation by the NPSNZ for this competition – (add link to our interpretation of the rules)
- The subject matter must be nature as defined by the rules attached, which excludes cultivated plants, domestic animals and confined animals
- The subject matter is restricted to New Zealand and its offshore islands.
- Clubs with over 100 members are restricted to one image per photographer.
- If the Club has less than 100 members, a photographer may submit 2 images.
- Each entry is judged as a ‘set of projected images’ not as individual images and must flow well and have good cohesion
- Entry is Digital and images should be saved as jpeg, sRGB colour space, resolution 72ppi with 1620 pixels on the horizontal for landscape and 1080 on the vertical side for portrait and at a file size between 400Kb and 1.2Mb. A layout image must be included showing the order and layout of the set. Do not include any club or photographers names on the images or the layout.
It is suggested that entries are uploaded to Dropbox and shared with the coordinator or use this file request link to Dropbox
To send files though a file request via Dropbox
- Click the link to start uploading files.
- In the browser window that loads, click Choose from computer or Choose from Dropbox to upload a file. Alternatively, you can drag and drop the file(s) you’d like to upload directly into your browser window.
- If you have more files to upload, click +Add another file.
- Once you have all the files you want to upload, you may be prompted to enter your first name, last name, and email address so that the file collector can identify your files.
- Click Upload.
If you have any queries please feel free to contact coordinator at details below and we suggest you look through the galleries on our web site at winning sets since 2007 for guidance.
We will be hosting the showing and announcing the results of the Trenna Packer Competition on Monday 21st July, 2025, at 7.30 pm in our Club Rooms, Rock and Mineral Clubrooms 110 Waltham Rd Christchurch. Anyone from your Club will be most welcome to attend that night.
This year the judge is Simon Runting. Simon is originally from England, where he could be found exploring the fields and observing wildlife from a young age. He turned down a position in the RAF to pursue a photography career, and it wasn’t long before he established himself as one of Fleet Streets most revered photographers covering a variety of news stories around the world. Simon settled in New Zealand and raised a family in Auckland, where today his photographic work concentrates on corporate construction for major infrastructure projects, however, he still finds time to spend in nature where he is able to capture the unique personality of the wildlife around him. Simon has won several national and international awards for his images of bird life in New Zealand, and you can try to find him camouflaged on Auckland’s West Coast, but you will need to get up early.
We look forward to your entry into the Trenna Packer Salver Competition.
Kind regards
Robyn Owen
Coordinator Trenna Packer Competition
Nature Photography Society of New Zealand