Notices and Newsletters

Linley Earnshaw: Bell Bird

NPSNZ Notices

Notices from Members: Tours, Competitions, and Exhibitions


President’s Column – July 2024

Work has kept me busy this month, so have not had much of a chance to get out and do photography. Some of you may know that I do have some old Yeshica twins lens reflex cameras and I have been trying some new film in these. I haven’t had the film developed yet but when I do I will share some photos (they may not be particularly nature related).

Over the last few days I have been working on getting the Trenna Packer Salon entries ready for presenting at our next club night. We have 23 entries this year, a little down on last year, but there are some really nice photos and sets. The salon was judged by Lorraine Gibb this year and I thank her for doing this. Hopefully you can come to the presentation and see the quality of the photos entered. We won’t have any members images this night but will have a slightly bigger supper.

I have had a couple of ideas come in for a workshop. Please let me know this month if you have any ideas for workshop topics, as we will work on setting a workshop up in the next couple of months.

Our Black and White exhibition heads out to Kaiapoi this week. If you did not to get to see it at the Christchurch Library, this will be another opportunity to do so. There will be an exhibition opening from 5.30-6.30pm and you are welcome to attend.

I have included a couple of photos from our Arthurs Pass Fungi trip. The Aurora photo was taken at Klondyke Corner looking north. This just shows how strong the aurora was that night. Welcome to Rowan Williams and Stuart Attwood who have recently joined the Society.


James Thompson


James Thompson
James Thompson