Field-Trip to Mt St Patrick, Amuri Ski field 12th -14th January 2018
Field-Trip Guide: Carl
Field-Trip Report: Diana A
We met Carl and Barry at St James Station homestead and were driven up to the ski field in 4WD vehicles through thick fog. Some of us were a little nervous and I remembered half way up that I had been before but I didn’t look out of the window! Great hair pin bends!
However all arrived safely at the hut acommodation and it took about an hour to get the water running. Unfortunately there was no generator for the power but several little solar panels were connected to light bulbs. The days were long and we went to bed early. The accommodation was adequate with bunk rooms, gas cooking and a cosy fire the first night. The mountain scenery on Saturday morning was amazing with a red sunrise and fog in the valleys.
We had a great day walking and capturing alpine flowers, vegetable sheep and scenery and had a lovely pot luck meal in the evening.
Sunday morning we got up for sunrise and then drove down the mountain and on to Lake Tennyson where the lake was very blue, DOC toilets were available and many Drosera and bog plants in the wet hollows. The gentians were out in full bloom and just gorgeous with the orchids present but just past flowering.
Attendees all returned to Christchurch that evening after meeting for coffee in Hanmer Springs except me as I drove over to Greymouth for a few days with friends.
Thank you Carl for organising a great weekend away.
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