By Rose Kerin

On May 25th ten members headed to Quail Island to stay overnight and photograph things of interest. We were so lucky with the weather. It was a blue-sky day with mild weather and extremely calm.

Ōtamahua/Quail Island lies in the flooded crater of an extinct volcano reached by the Black Cat ferry. The trip takes about 15 Minutes.  Quail Island is Canterbury’s largest island and is explored easily in a day.

Once settled we all wandered off around the island track to explore the island.  The island included lots of different native trees, shrubs and is home for lots of birds.

The walk around the island was easy to follow and takes approx 2 ½ hours to walk around plus taking photos.  There were lots of subjects to photograph including wonderful panoramic views across the Lyttelton harbour, supreme calm landscapes, beaches, huts, a ship’s graveyard which contains wrecks of at least 14 scuttled Ships.  I saw lots of friendly fantails along the track and Pied Shags sunning themselves with wings outstretched.  Oystercatchers were also sunning themselves on the Beach.

I enjoyed the never-ending types of volcanic rocks, as after all we were standing on an extinct volcano. Also, lots of different relics of the past like buildings, graveyards etc.  There was plenty to discover and something for everyone.  It is certainly worth revisiting the island sometime later in the year.  A lovely spot for a picnic to visit nature and stay overnight.

We stayed in the Otamahua Hut overnight. The hut had very basic amenities.

Thanks to those who helped the ones that did not have gas cookers.

I found everyone welcoming and very helpful for me as it is the first time I have been on a trip like this for many years.

Thanks to James for organising.

Quail Island
Quail Island
Quail Island