Workshop – Software for Post-processing Images
Saturday 31 October By Barry Dench

Fourteen members plus the presenter attended the 2 hour workshop.
The workshop was the second of three for 2020. Editing images can be either simple or complex, a bit like the statement “how long is a piece of string”. And to add to the mix, the number of brands of software available each with its quirks and learning curve.
On a show of hands, Adobe Lightroom (Classic and perpetual licence versions) was used by a high proportion of members, Photoshop by some, with others using Photoshop Elements, Capture One Skylum Luminar, Nik Collection, Corel Paintshop etc. Although there are a lot of programs used, there is commonality in the tools.
In preparing for the workshop I typed a 11 page handout that contained discussion points e.g. why do post processing – reasons and benefits , for nature images- what marks down a photo from being a winner, is post processing a substitute for good camera craft and then into the main part of the workshop covering core features required in software to organise / catalogue your images, basic edits and advanced work, what are you trying to achieve and means to getting there, perpetual licence or monthly subscription and the biggie – brands, their features, capability and cost.
With 2 hours available, its only possible to skim the surface given the number of brands in use and available and the number of steps it takes to demonstrate from loading ex camera card to applying the sliders and masks for tonal etc adjustments, resizing etc and exporting using the Lightroom system and then discussion about layers using Photoshop as one brand. Several brands can be used as standalone or alternatively as a plug-in. There was brief mention of the pros and cons of the most common brands.
In addition to the presentation notes, 10 handouts were available. Some or all 10 were emailed to 8 members.
From feedback received I believe this was a successful workshop and together with the handouts would have provided information of benefit to those attending