Field-Trip: Waikuku Beach & Ashley River Estuary – 5th Oct 2019
Trip Leader: Diana S
Trip Report: Gina M
The rain held off perfectly during our walk around Waikuku Beach and Ashley River Estuary, not falling until we stopped for morning tea. The morning started with strong red glow along the horizon at sunrise, but I am not a morning person so I was running a tad late and was parking during the peak colours. I still got some great photos of the cloud formations in the soft morning light. We then shifted away from the beach and meandered along the estuary to enjoy the abundant birdlife. I really enjoyed learning more about bird photography and identifying New Zealand birds. Some we saw along the beach included royal spoonbills, pied and black stilts, pied and variable oystercatchers, dotterels, and wrybills.  We also checked out the cormorants nesting where it was easy to get close to the birds for some nice photos. It was a wonderful morning to get up and take photos, well worth forcing myself out of bed for!
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