Field-Trip: Waiau Wall at Woodchester Station – 5th May 2019
Trip Leader: Caro C
Trip Report: Kath
A wonderful day exploring Woodchester Station with Rebekah who showed us the big slip where the side of a hill ‘fell off’ damming the Leader River to form Lake Rebekah, Victoria Falls and the Waiau Wall, the scarp left by another hillside slumping away. Both slips were the result of the Kaikoura Earthquake in November 2016.
The Kelly’s have had to make changes in the way they use the land to avoid stock loss, especially lambs, falling into fissures. Another challenge is wandering stock resulting in 400 early lambs and calves of breeds they don’t run due to damaged fences.
A big thank you to Rebekah for making us very welcome, answering all our questions, supplying us with hot water for drinks and giving us the opportunity to explore the garden developed by her Gran.
Thank you Caro for an impeccably organised sunny day.
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