By Simon Woolf
Our Annual Wellington Natural Environment Experience was again a big success. It was three days of photography fun, and a heap of wildlife, plus Wellington’s diverse landscape thrown in for good measure.
The Zealandia selection was complimented by Banded Dotterill’s on and about the airport runway, Oystercatchers and their chick, plus a resounding South Coast dusk on the first day.
From there on in we were treated to more wildlife, scenery, oh and cuisine on the Kapiti Coast, which included sightings and photos of NZ Dotterill and their chicks plus a myriad of other wildlife including a seal!
Our group nailed most if not all which came their way. The heights and South Coast of Wellington were also well covered too. Of our group of eight we also enrolled a couple of new members into NPSNZ, which was a bonus.
Bring on next year, and watch this space!