May 17th 2021: Cycling from Alaska to Patagonia via the American Cordillera

Mark Watson
Mark over viewed his 45,500km cycling journey from the north coast of Alaska to Patagonia and then covered some highlights of the ride, with an emphasis on the remarkably diverse climates, ecosystems and cultures that he encountered over four years on the road.
Mark is a New Zealand-based photographer and author specialising in landscape, adventure and travel photography. His passion for climbing, cycling and photography have taken him all over New Zealand and many places overseas in search of fresh experiences in the crags and mountains, on trails and among new cultures.
Mark is a New Zealand-based photographer and author specialising in landscape, adventure and travel photography. His passion for climbing, cycling and photography have taken him all over New Zealand and many places overseas in search of fresh experiences in the crags and mountains, on trails and among new cultures.
With his partner Hana Black, Mark spent close to four years bikepacking (nearly) the length of the Americas. A 45,500km journey from Alaska to central Patagonia via the road less travelled, generally following the American Cordillera – the ranges which form the continental divides of both North and South America.The pair were forced home from Chile by Covid-19 and are currently enjoying life back in NZ, while plotting their return to South America to finish their ride.
Read Mark and Hana’s blog HERE