We were saddened to hear that June Goldstein passed away on 19 November following the sudden onset of serious illness. She was a member of NPSNZ for many years, including being a foundation member of the Society.

June Goldstein
Over the last few years she has just been receiving our monthly newsletter, and would occasionally phone me upon reading something interesting. I first met June when we attended Peter Harper/’s Introduction to Photography course in 1991 and we were both on a trip to Turkey and Greece lead by Peter in 1994. She loved going on fieldtrips, especially the Cass Trips, enjoying the camaraderie, and the crisp weather. There was a private family funeral, with an event to commemorate June’s life planned for next year. Messages to the Goldstein family can be sent to c/- PO Box 26112, Christchurch 8148. In lieu of flowers please donate to Nurse Maude Palliative Care via the website www.nursemaude.org.nz.
By Jane Coulter