Grant showed us some of his wonderful images and talked about he made them on Monday 19th November 2018. He runs macro workshops which I’m sure you would enjoy.
Macrophy presents ‘Small World Beginners Macro Workshops’
Grant Beedie (aka Macrophy) has recently started to run Beginners Macro Photography Workshops at Christchurch Botanic Gardens.
Grant has spent countless hours perfecting his skills since 2012 and has an impressive portfolio of Macro Photography work.
Grant believes in travelling light, shooting all his work handheld, in manual mode, and in natural light only. This allows the Photographer to adapt freely to situations using minimal gear. He also believes that one can be accomplished without having to know lots of technical jargon, so Grant likes to keep things simple and easy to understand for all.
“I’ve seen so many macro lenses for sale over the years, purely because people give up after short amounts of time and effort. Macro is difficult, but with some basic tips and knowledge, anyone can start to achieve good Macro Photography”
“Once you start to get confidence in Macro, you will be in a whole new World that never fails to amaze!”
The next 2hr workshop will run on Sunday 9th December from 7am-9am. Limited to 3 people per workshop. Grant will also be running more of these workshops in 2019 and also will be looking at doing Photoshop editing Workshops also, so stay tuned!
If you are keen on Grants workshops, then feel free to email for an information pack